Unsolved Murders

Mabel Metcalfe

Age: 73

Sex: female

Date: 17 Nov 1962

Place: Springfield House, Halifax Road, Dewsbury

Mabel Metcalfe was found dead on a footpath near her home at Springfield House in Dewsbury on 17 November 1962.

Her body was found by a postman and it was thought that she had been dead for some hours.

She had been a secretary at a firm of rag merchants.

The police said that they were considering whether the murder was connected to that of Lily Stephenson at Barnsley on 31 January 1962. They said that on the surface they appeared to be very similar. It was noted that Dewsbury and Barnsley were 16 miles apart. Lily Stephenson had been hit in the face and raped. However, it was heard that she had been extremely ill and that her injuries would not have killed a normally healthy person.

The police said that they were treating Mabel Metcalfe‘s death as a murder, but that they would not be disclosing the cause of death, or say whether she had been attacked or whether anything had been missing.

Mabel Metcalfe had lived alone.

She was last seen near Dewsbury bus station at about 11pm on the Friday and the police appealed for anyone who saw her after that to come forward.

see discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk

see National Archives - HO 332/15 STA502/3/20

see West Yorkshire Police

see Coventry Evening Telegraph - Saturday 17 November 1962

see The People - Sunday 18 November 1962

see Daily Herald - Monday 19 November 1962

see The People - Sunday 18 November 1962

see Birmingham Daily Post - Tuesday 20 November 1962

see Liverpool Echo - Saturday 17 November 1962