Age: 61
Sex: female
Date: 31 Jan 1962
Place: Springfield Place, Barnsley
Lily Stephenson was found dead in an alleyway near her home at Springfield Place, Barnsley on 31 January 1962.
She had been raped and left to die about 100 yards from her home.
She was reported missing after she failed to return home from a shopping expedition on 30 January 1962.
Her death was given as being due to acute or chronic bronchitis, accelerated by shock, following and due to a fracture of the nose and upper jaw after a blow by a fist or some hard object.
Following the post mortem it was ascertained that an attempt had been made to commit buggery with her, and some degree of penetration had been achieved. In addition, a complete intercourse per vagina had been accomplished. There was no evidence of robbery. No weapon was found and the facial injuries she had sustained were consistent with her having been struck a violent blow by a clenched fist.
As such, it was reported that sexual assault appeared to have been the motive for the crime.
The Coroner said:
It was heard that Lily Stephenson had been extremely ill and that her facial injuries would not have caused death in a healthy person. Additionally it was heard that her injuries suggested that she had been struck a blow that had rendered her unconscious or semi-conscious and that she had been raped.
The police said that they were considering whether the murder was connected to that of Mabel Metcalfe who was murdered 16 miles away in Dewsbury.
Shortly after she was found murdered, Scotland Yard were called in to carry out the investigation.
They appealed for anyone that had seen her after she left her home at 4.45pm on the Tuesday to go into town for her shopping to come forward.
The police appealed for information about a man who might have been seen in the vicinity of the murder on 30 January 1962. He was described as:
They also appealed for information about two men seen walking along Bodworth Road in Barnsley on the night of her murder. They said that the men had been eating from a paper bag containing either pies or sandwiches.
The police said they interviewed 3,000 people in connection with the murder as well as taking statements from 4,500 people and checking the movements of 2,155 workers in the district.
Her husband, a 68-year-old retired miner, said that Lily Stephenson had no enemies and had never complained of being molested. He said that every evening, except Thursday, she followed the same routine of visiting three shops in Dodsworth Road, Barnsley. He added that he could see no reason why she would go into the alleyway where she was found.
Lily Stephenson was noted as having been a club pianist and a former ENSA pianist.
Her inquest returned a verdict of murder by some person or persons unknown.
see National Archives - HO 332/15 STA502/3/20, MEPO 2/10446, MEPO 2/10447, MEPO 2/10448, MEPO 2/10449
see Belfast Telegraph - Monday 19 November 1962
see Torbay Express and South Devon Echo - Monday 19 February 1962
see Aberdeen Evening Express - Thursday 16 August 1962
see Leicester Evening Mail - Thursday 16 August 1962
see Birmingham Daily Post - Friday 09 February 1962
see Belfast Telegraph - Thursday 01 February 1962
see Torbay Express and South Devon Echo - Monday 19 November 1962
see Birmingham Daily Post - Thursday 01 February 1962