Age: 7 months
Sex: female
Date: 21 May 1998
Place: Waverley Road, Horton Grange, Bradford
Sana Iqbal died from head injuries received at her home in Waverley Road, Horton Grange on 21 May 1998.
Her parents claimed she fell out of bed and banged her head.
Medical evidence was heard at her inquest stating that her injuries were non-accidental in nature. There had been 60 people involved in the analysis of her injuries, mostly from the medical profession, and they all concluded that her injuries were serious and non-accidental.
The Coroner recorded a verdict of unlawful killing adding that someone in the court knew who had killed her.
It was also heard at the inquest that her injuries might have been caused by Sana Iqbal being swung against a wall.