Age: 39
Sex: male
Date: 26 Jun 2005
Place: Mill Place, Crayford
William Henry Marney was shot outside his home shortly before 10pm on 23 June 2005, in Mill Place, Crayford.
He had been stood outside when a car drove by with two black men in it and shots were fired at him.
The car was said to have been a dark-coloured hatchback, either a Rover 45 or a Peugeot. It was said that the car's registration number had contained an N or M and also had the numbers 145 or 154 in it. After the shooting the car drove off.
William Marney was taken to Queen Mary's Hospital in Sidcup where he died three days later on 26 June 2005.
William Marney was from a traveller family. He had been targeted twice before.
In 1996 he had been shot outside the Badgers Mount pub in Badgers Mount, near Orpington.
He was shot again in 1997. He was hit more than four times with one of the bullets passing through his skull. The bullet had gone through his skull and out through his cheek. Four other bullets remained in his body after he recovered.
He had been convicted of firearms offences in 2001 after he was caught with a loaded Beretta pistol in his trouser waistband and a .22 Ruger sniper rifle with a telescopic sight, silencer and more than 300 rounds of ammunition in his car. He had said that they were for self-defence.