Age: 27
Sex: female
Date: 11 Dec 2005
Place: Queensbury Road, Kingsbury
Douglas Yogarasa was shot in Queensbury Road, Kingsbury at about 9.50pm on 11 December 2005.
It was thought that he had been walking home at the time. A white van was seen leaving the area soon after but was never traced. It was distinctive because it had had storage tubes fitted to the roof that ran the length of the roof, about six inches in diameter and white. They were the sort of tubes commonly used by plumbers to transport copper piping.
His cause of death was given as gunshot wounds to the head and body.
During the investigation police searched the house of a man where they found a bag containing £32,570 along with 60 bogus credit cards and mobile phone top-up cards that were uploaded with credit card details. This resulted in three people later being convicted for fraud and being ordered to repay more than £180k.
Douglas Yogarasa had been unemployed and had lived alone in Kingsbury.