Age: 52
Sex: male
Date: 18 Sep 1909
Place: Mousehole, Penzance, Cornwall
John Davidson was found dead at sea.
His body was heavily decomposed, but it was thought that he could have been shot.
He was a poet.
His body was found by two fishermen about half a mile SSW of Mousehole Cave. They had spotted it about 800-1000 yards away after seeing gulls hovering over it.
He was last seen leaving his home in Penzance on 23 March 1909 to post a manuscript to his publisher in London.
He had talked of suicide before stating that he could not live with cancer. His body was thought to have been in the water for about six months. His skull had a small round hole on the right temple and a corresponding hole but more irregular exactly opposite which suggested that he had died from a pistol shot to the head. However, it was not possible to state definitely that the holes had been caused that way.
It was also not possible to say whether the holes, if caused by a pistol had been fired by him or someone else.
see Western Morning News - Tuesday 21 September 1909
see Cornishman - Thursday 15 September 1949