Age: 23
Sex: male
Date: 19 Jun 2000
Place: Barrie House, Park Road North, Acton, West London
Albert Lutterodt was shot at a flat in Acton.
He had been shot once in the head. The police were called after neighbours heard a volley of shots from the flat.
The police said that it was thought that his murder might have been linked to an argument that he had had on a bus trip he had taken ten days earlier. He had gone on an organised bus trip from Acton to Alton Towers on 10 June during which the argument was thought to have taken place, and it was also said that he had had a disposable camera with him at the time and that the shots that he had taken might provide some clues about his murder.
The police said that Albert Lutterodt was known to have dabbled in low level cannabis dealing which was also thought could have provided a motive for his murder.
His murder was being investigated by the Thames Valley police's Operation Trident team that dealt with crime within the black community. The Guardian newspaper also referred to his murder in an article on Yardie crime in London.
Barrie House was later demolished on 21 October 2001.