Age: 69
Sex: male
Date: 8 Mar 1917
Place: River Thames, Riley Street, Chelsea
William Tribe was found dead on the foreshore at Chelsea.
He had lived in Acre Lane in Brixton.
He was last seen on 8 March 1917 when he had said that he was going out for a walk after complaining that his ears were paining his head.
He was not seen again until he was found washed up on the foreshore near a barge on the River Thames near Riley Street, Chelsea on 11 April 1917.
No letters or money were found on him.
The post-mortem stated that he had died from suffocation from drowning although his body was very decomposed. He had an enlarged heart and had had kidney disease.
No reason for him to have committed suicide was suggested as he had a comfortable home and plenty to eat and wear.
An open verdict was returned.
see Chelsea News and General Advertiser - Friday 20 April 1917