Age: unknown
Sex: male
Date: 21 May 1915
Place: Goldthorpe
John Eades was shot during the Goldthorpe anti-alien riots.
The Goldthorpe Riot was an anti-German riot.
Four people were initially brought up on charges of having shot him and another man but the police later said that they didn't want to proceed with the case after it was said that there was not sufficient evidence to charge any one person.
During the riots the shop of a German pork butcher was wrecked and looted. Ten men were charged in connection with the riot and a list was drawn up of 147 people from whom loot had been recovered.
John Eades was near a shop near Bakewell's shop in Goldthorpe whilst it was being wrecked. It was heard that for some reason a huge crowd had gathered outside the shop and a considerable force of police was drafted into Goldthorpe in order to protect the premises. It was further heard that the mob was so furious that the police were overpowered, and the premises attacked. It was said that during the attack, the men initially charged with John Eades's murder, had then armed themselves with guns and revolvers and fired on the mob, hitting John Eades and another man.
John Eades was taken to Montagu Hospital in Mexborough where an operation was carried out, but he later died.
John Eades was a miner.
see Sheffield Independent - Friday 28 May 1915
see The Scotsman - Friday 28 May 1915
see Leeds Mercury - Friday 14 May 1915
see Sheffield Daily Telegraph - Friday 21 May 1915
see Western Daily Press - Friday 28 May 1915