Age: 20
Sex: female
Date: 5 Jun 1935
Place: Sydney Street, St Pancras
Elizabeth Cross died in St Pancras Hospital.
The police investigated her death without luck. It was heard that before she died she had said, 'I have not given her away'.
The police said that they would have been aided in their enquiries if they had known about her condition before she died. The Coroner said, 'This is one of those cases where the doctor in charge might very well find that his professional feelings of secrecy are up against his duty as a citizen to disclose a serious offence. A doctor in general should preserve his or her patient’s secret. But there comes a time and two judges are agreed on this, when a doctor's duty is to disclose the fact that a crime has apparently been done. I have a feeling that in this case something useful might have been done instead of the girl dying an unpleasant and painful death without their being any guarantee that the person responsible, if there was one, may not be able to do the same thing again'. He went on to say that someone must have known about the matter.
Newspaper reports don't appear to state what she died from but it is assumed that she died from an illegal operation.
An open verdict was returned.
see The Scotsman - Wednesday 05 June 1935
see Western Gazette - Friday 07 June 1935
see Gloucester Citizen - Wednesday 05 June 1935
see Western Daily Press - Wednesday 05 June 1935
see Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail - Wednesday 05 June 1935