Age: 39
Sex: male
Date: 31 Dec 1939
Place: School Lane, Hockley Heath
John William Walton was found dead in School Lane, Hockley Heath on 31 December 1939.
It was thought that he had had a good deal of beer and had been knocked down by a car. He was said to have drunk at least six and a half pints of beer.
It was said that he had also received some minor injuries before those that had caused his death.
He had been found by a chauffeur.
An open verdict was returned at his inquest stating that his death was due to injuries received when he was crushed by a motor car.
The pathologist said that he must have fallen on his face first, causing lacerations to his mouth and scalp and to have then remained there in the road where he was run over.
His death was due to shock, internal haemorrhage and multiple injuries including a fractured spine.
The Coroner noted that the driver of the car had not come forward but said that he was not criminally concerned and said that if he had come forward he thought that his explanation would have been accepted.
John Walton was an aircraftman living in Hunton Heath.
see Birmingham Mail - Thursday 11 January 1940
see Birmingham Daily Post - Thursday 04 January 1940