Unsolved Murders

Arthur Prithett

Age: 66

Sex: male

Date: 3 Apr 1940

Place: Barnstone, Nottinghamshire

Arthur Prithett died after he said that a vehicle knocked him off his bicycle.

He was knocked off his bicycle on 25 March 1940 and later died in hospital on 3 April 1940 from shoulder injuries.

He had lived at 4 Works Row, Barnstone, Nottinghamshire and had been a postman in Langar and Barnstone for many years as well as being employed part-time at the Barnstone cement works.

He had been riding along near Barnstone Station when he was knocked over.

His funeral took place at Granby in the parish church. The service was choral and the hymns, 'On the Resurrection Morning', 'Abide with me', and Psalm 23 were sung. A large number of friends and relatives were present to pay their last tribute of respect.

see www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk

see Nottingham Journal - Thursday 11 April 1940