Age: 65
Sex: male
Date: 28 Mar 1940
Place: Nottingham-Ashley Road, Lount, Licestershire
Samuel Morris and Arnold Herbert West were found injured in a road.
Samuel Morris was found dead at the scene whilst Arnold West died soon after being taken to the Derbyshire Royal Infirmary.
They were both pedlars and were said to have both been sober.
At the inquest, a lorry driver who said that he had passed Lount cross-roads at 7.30pm said that he saw nothing on the road and knocked nobody over. However, he was sharply cross-examined by the Superintendent and admitted that he had altered his driving log to read 8pm instead of 8.30pm, saying that he had done so because he had made a mistake at the time.
Open verdicts were returned.
see Nottingham Journal - Thursday 28 March 1940, p3