Unsolved Murders

Nicholas Gargani

Age: 26

Sex: male

Date: 17 Apr 1996

Place: Lewes, East Sussex

Nicholas Gargani was found dead at the foot of a 300ft cliff.

There was only one witness, a factory worker that had been emptying rubbish on an industrial estate below who described him as screaming and kicking as he fell.

It was also reported that he had had an inveterate fear of witchcraft and black magic and had believed that he had been cursed by a member of a black magic coven.

When the police went to his home they found the walls covered in torn Bible pages upon which there was a note that read:

God help me I have been cursed.

It was also found that just prior to his death he had been sent a cows heart pierced with nails and a fetish or voodoo doll entwined with a lock of human hair.

It was also found that Nicholas Gargani had withdrawn £2,000 before his death, but none of it was ever found. It was also found that he had made an application for a loan of £2,000 a couple of days before his death, and it was noted that that would not have been the actions of a man contemplating suicide. It was also found that a number of his possessions were also thought to have been missing.

It was suggested that his death might have been connected with occult and black magic activity in the Lewes area. It was also reported that a farmer had contacted the police about a Black Mass that had been held in one of his barns in which he was said to have found a photograph of Nicholas Gargani along with a written note stating:

I Nicholas Gargani, completely renounce Christianity.

He was said to have also found signs of an altar with several burnt candles and incense.

A youth that was said to have known Nicholas Gargani and to have had connections with the occult, as well as being a member of the British National Party was said to have advised Nicholas Gargani to burn the cows head he had received and to have behaved strangely when questioned by the police. He was also said to have behaved strangely at the inquest and to have been removed after an outburst. Before he was removed, he was said to have claimed that Nicholas Gargani had been cursed by a group of magicians from Brighton after an incident at the Pig and Paradise Public house.

The youth was reported soon after to have been sent to Broadmoor hospital, but later released.

An open verdict was returned at his inquest after no cause of death could be found.

*map pointers are rough estimates based on known location details as per Place field above.

see www.des.turner.mp.mfi.most.wanted.fanspace.com

see Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail - Thursday 31 October 1996