Age: 40
Sex: female
Date: 23 Mar 1946
Place: Middleton, Leeds
Lillian Garside was found dying at the bottom of a deep quarry in Midleton Leeds.
At her inquest the coroner said, 'I don't like it at all' and returned an open verdict.
Lillian Garside was last seen on the Saturday night at about 9.30pm by a friend in the company of a man that the friend didn't know.
She was later found at the bottom of the quarry on the Sunday morning.
She was married but had been living apart from her husband since May 1945 and was otherwise in good health. Her husband said that he had not seen her for about three months.
When the coroner summed up, he stated that Lillian Garside's death was caused by shock and haemorrhage due to a ruptured liver and a fractured spine, evidently caused by a fall.
When the coroner addressed the police superintendent, he said, 'I do not like it at all. What was she doing there?' and asked him whether their investigation could be carried any further, but the police superintendent shook his head and said that it could not.
Lillian Garside had lived as a maid at the Willows Nursing Home in Bramley.
see Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer - Saturday 23 March 1946, p8
see Yorkshire Evening Post - Friday 22 March 1946