Age: 70
Sex: male
Date: 21 Dec 1905
Place: 22 Old Road Side, Churwell
George Hargreaves died after three men entered his house and attacked him.
He was found by a policeman sitting before the window of his house with several bruises and wounds on his head and told him that he had been attacked by some men who throttled him and then tried to kill him and who had robbed him.
However, at his inquest, a police inspector said that he found George Hargreaves's money untouched upstairs.
He said that he found a large piece of wood, covered with blood in his house and said that his doorpost and wall were also smeared with blood.
It was noted that George Hargreaves had been in the habit of putting a block of wood behind his door when he went out to keep it fastened.
It was also observed that there were no signs of a struggle having taken place.
The police also said that George Hargreaves had rambled a great deal and that he had complained that his tobacco had been stolen, although it was in fact found intact.
Another witness also told a similar story to that of the police.
A boy also gave evidence stating that he had seen George Hargreaves with blood on the top of his head and had seen him breaking his house windows.
It was also heard that George Hargreaves had a brother who was described as being not altogether 'there'.
When the doctor gave evidence, he said that he thought that George Hargreaves had received a blow and that he had then sustained further minor injuries whilst he groped about and regained his consciousness.
An open verdict was returned.
see Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer - Wednesday 03 January 1906
see Leeds Mercury - Wednesday 03 January 1906