Age: 0
Sex: female
Date: 24 Dec 1948
Place: Walpole Bay, Margate, Kent
The body of a headless child was found on the shore between Walpole Bay and Newgate Gap in Margate on Christmas Eve 1948.
It was found by a man that had lived in Flint Row in Margate who had been walking alon the sands at about midday on Friday 24 December 1048. The body was unclothed and partially covered by seaweed. It was about 12 yards from the cliff and below the high water mark.
Marks were found in the sand to indicate that the body had been dragged, but nothing else was found to clear up the mystery, and the police were unable to determine its identity or who the parents were even though extensive enquiries were made all over the country.
see Thanet Advertiser - Tuesday 25 January 1949
see Thanet Advertiser - Friday 31 December 1948