Age: 32
Sex: male
Date: 19 Jun 2019
Place: Broadway, Peterborough
Glenn Boocock died after a fight at a taxi rank in Broadway, Peterborough.
Six people were convicted of affray, but Glenn Boocock's death could not be linked to the fight.
He had died 11 days after the fight at his home in Lincoln Road, Peterborough.
It was heard that he had been to the hospital twice, but that his condition didn't meet the requirements necessary for a CT scan to have been performed and that he had left because of the long wait times before he could be properly examined.
Glenn Boocock had been out with some friends to watch a football match between England and the Netherlands at a local pub on 6 June 2019 after which they went into Peterborough city centre.
However, whilst at a taxi-rank outside O'Neill's bar in the early hours of 7 June 2019, a scuffle broke out in which it was said that Glenn Boocock intervened. However, he fell over backwards during the scuffle and was knocked unconscious for about six minutes.
He went to hospital the following day, but was not treated as he left some hours later before he could be formally reviewed, it being noted that he had a business to run.
He later went to a walk-in clinic on 10 June 2019 and said that he had been having difficulty sleeping due to his headaches after which he went to Peterborough City Hospital.
It was heard that if he had had a CT scan at the hospital that it was more likely than not that some abnormalities would have been found, but that it was undue speculation to say that if he had done so he would not have died.
He later died at his home on Lincoln Road on 18 June 2019.
At his inquest the Coroner noted that there was a gap in the healthcare guidance regarding the criteria for carrying out a CT scan and waiting times for triage. It was heard that in the case of Glenn Boocock that he had not been dealt with in accordance with the recommended waiting times and had not met the criteria for a CT scan.
A chief nurse at North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, which ran Peterborough City Hospital said that they had conducted an internal investigation to identify any lessons to be learned, and said, 'Steps have been taken to try to triage patients within guideline targets during particularly busy periods in the emergency department. This is an ongoing process, especially given the significant increase in emergency attendances during the pandemic. The trust will also be considering the expert evidence presented at the inquest in relation to the criteria for CT scanning as set out in the current NICE head injury guidelines. We will also await the response of NICE to the coroner's letter in relation to this issue'.