Unsolved Murders

Baby A

Age: 0

Sex: male

Date: 1 Oct 1950

Place: Clarence Street, Lancaster

The skeletons of two babies were found in the attic of a house in Clarence Street, Lancaster in October 1950.

One of the skeletons was found in a receptacle in the enclosed attic and another was found in a Gladstone bag.

A pathologist at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary said that one body was more decomposed than the other.

He said that in his opinion they had both lived for a time.

He said that he thought that they had been in the attic for a period of not less than five years.

He said that he could not determine their sex nor could he determine their cause of death.

The police said that they had interviewed a host of people over the matter, but said that everyone had said that they knew nothing about the matter.

An open verdict was returned.

*map pointers are rough estimates based on known location details as per Place field above.

see www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk

see Lancaster Guardian - Friday 30 March 1951