Age: 17
Sex: female
Date: 21 Dec 1952
Place: Wilton Bungalow, Elwick, Hartlepool
Jean Watson was found dead in a stream by her father near her home, Wilton Bungalow in Elwick on the night of Sunday 21 December 1952.
She was found dead in 18 inches of water.
An open verdict was returned.
Jean Watson was described as a fair-haired shop assistant.
The police said that they didn't think that anyone else was involved in her death and that there was no suspicion of foul play. They said that there was a 'slither mark' down the bank of the stream ending in a footprint into which her shoe fitted exactly.
The pathologist said that he found six small marks on her body but said that they played no part in her death. He said that her death was due to asphyxia from drowning and that there was nothing to indicate any struggle.
He concluded that her death was due to asphyxia from drowning.
Her mother said that some time before her death that she had received anonymous letters telling her to 'keep an eye on Jean' as she was going about with men. However, she said that when she asked Jean Watson about the letters she said that she had told her that it was not true.
It was also heard that the manager of the store where Jean Watson had worked said that there had been a discrepancy in her books of £1 16s 8d and that she had agreed to take the books home. However, although it was described as being only a small amount it was heard that she had feared that she might be dismissed over the missing money.
Her father said that he had never heard Jean Watson say that she intended to take her life and said that he didn’t think that she had any reason to do so.
However, it was noted that Jean Watson had been involved in an affiliation case with a local man in December 1951 and had obtained an order and that the man was involved in a police court case that Jean Watson was concerned with in June 1951.
see Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail - Saturday 17 January 1953
see Birmingham Daily Gazette - Saturday 17 January 1953
see Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail - Wednesday 31 December 1952
see Yorkshire Evening Post - Saturday 17 January 1953
see Coventry Evening Telegraph - Saturday 17 January 1953