Age: 0
Sex: female
Date: 15 Jul 1955
Place: Rylston Road, Fulham, London
The body of a newly-born female child was found wrapped up in brown paper on a bomb site in Rylston Road, Fulham.
The body was found by a detective from Walham Green police station. He said that following the discovery of the child that he made further inquiries but said that he thought that there was little likelihood of them being able to trace the child's parents.
He said that after the discovery of the body it was taken back to Walham Green police station where it was examined, but said that no marks of identification were found on it.
The pathologist that examined the child said that the cause of death was intercranial haemorrhage.
However, the policeman that had carried out the investigation into the child’s death said that he did not think there were any suspicious circumstances and the Coroner recorded a verdict of natural death.
see West London Observer - Friday 15 July 1955