Unsolved Murders


Age: unknown

Sex: female

Date: 16 Feb 1916

Place: Midlands

A woman died following a Zeppelin raid in the Midlands.

Her inquest returned a verdict of wilful murder against the Kaiser and the Crown Prince as accessories before the fact.

The woman had been a domestic servant and had been walking with her sweatheart along a canal towing-path when a bomb dropped near them, killing the man outright and severely injuring the girl. 

After hearing the evidence the jury found that her death resulted from a bomb thrown from an enemy airship. 

After hearing their verdict the Coroner remarked  that there was no method of service against the Kaiser or the Crown Prince and that neither was it possible to take proceedings against them.

When the foreman of the jury inquired as to whether the verdict would not have weight at the end of the war, the Coroner said that he could not hold out hope and suggested that the jury reconsider their verdict.

However, the foreman of the jury said that they er absolutely unanimous that the German Emperor and his son were guilty of murder and declined to alter their verdict, which the Coroner then recorded.