Age: 11 months
Sex: female
Date: 14 Jan 1903
Place: Chester
Louisa Mary Ellis died from neglect.
Two women were tried for her manslaughter but acquitted.
They were tried at the Chester Assizes on Tuesday 10 March 1903.
It was heard that Louisa Ellis had been left in the custody of the two women, a 47-year-old charwoman and her 20-year-old married daughter. However, it was said that they had neglected her such that she died from starvation.
However, it was also heard that both of Louisa Ellis's parents were also neglectful of her as to her welfare, it being heard that although small sums of money were paid, no regular payments were made to the two women for her maintenance.
It was heard that both of the women were themselves poorly circumstanced and that the 47-year-old charwoman had obtained relief for her own children but not for Louisa Ellis.
Louisa Ellis had weighed only nine pounds eleven ounces when she died compared to the normal weight of eighteen to twenty pounds.
The two women at the trial said that they had got the best food they could afford but that Louisa Ellis was delicate and could not digest it.
The jury found the two women not guilty of criminal negligence and they where acquitted on the charge of manslaughter.
see Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser - Saturday 14 March 1903