Unsolved Murders

Laura McCluskie

Age: 44

Sex: female

Date: 16 Jan 2021

Place: Cantley, Doncaster

Laura McCluskie died after taking an overdose of her medicatioin.

A narrative verdict was returned stating that there was not enough evidence to deem the death suicide or misadventure.

Her boyfriend was cleared of any involvement in her death.

Laura McCluskie, who was otherwise described by her parents as being bubbly and outgoing, died after taking a fatal dose of prescription painkillers.

Her boyfriend was initially arrested after the police said they found the circumstances of her death suspicious, but later cleared him of any criminal responsibility.

However, her two children said they had feared that her boyfriend had forced her to take the medication and queried why there was a delay in him calling 999 when he found her unconscious in bed.

Although the postmortem found some internal and external bruising, the pathologist said he was satisfied that she had not been assaulted and added that he had found no defensive injuries to her face that would suggest she had been forced to swallow anything.

It was also heard at the inquest that her boyfriend had filmed her after she had told him that she had taken an overdose, and when asked why, he said that he had wanted to show her how she had behaved the next day.

It was also heard that on the Wednesday before she died, Laura McCluskie had told one of her daughter’s that she was moving out of her boyfriend’s house, ending her relationship with him, adding that he used to talk down to her and make her feel like she was nothing. She said that Laura McCluskie told her that she had packed her things and seemed content with her decision and was looking forward to moving on.

However, her daughter said that Laura McCluskie soon after told her that she had delayed moving out.

However, neither she nor her brother heard any more from her until her boyfriend called on the day she died, asking them to come over urgently.

Laura McCluskie’s daughter said that she had never threatened suicide to her and  that she had been looking forward to her grandchild’s arrival.

Laura McCluskie’s boyfriend said that he had accepted that their relationship was over, and that they had argued about money and trust issues on the night she died, but said that they had had a rollercoaster of a relationship, and had a ball, doing everything together.

He said that when he recorded Laura McCluskie, he had been in the garden and had been unsure that she had taken any tablets. He said that she then went upstairs and that he remained downstairs and received a text message from her phone at 10.17pm which asked him to tell her children that she was sorry, but that he didn’t realise the significance of it at the time.

He said that he next saw her at 7am when she appeared to be snoring and that he next saw her at 4pm when he realised she was unresponsive.

He denied coercing or persuading her to take the medication.

The police said that their inquiry eventually concluded that her boyfriend was not criminally responsible and that he was also under no legal duty of care, meaning he was not obliged to call 999 immediately.

The coroner returned a narrative conclusion, stating that there was not enough evidence to deem the death suicide or misadventure, adding:

The text message could have been a cry for medical attention and there is no positive evidence that she intended to take her life. The events of that night are only known to two people, and Laura is not here to give her version. I am not able to determine the full circumstances and we cannot guess or speculate. There is insufficient evidence and I am satisfied that there are no other enquiries that need to be undertaken.

*map pointers are rough estimates based on known location details as per Place field above.