Unsolved Murders


Age: 0

Sex: female

Date: 7 Sep 1962

Place: Hill Top, West Bromwich

The body of a newly-born female child was found dead in a paper carrier bag on the canal side at Hill Top on Saturday 1 September 1962.

It was found to have been stabbed 30 times. All the wounds were said to have been caused by the same instrument. In one place the brain had been penetrated.

The pathologist said that he thought that it was possible that the wounds could have been caused by a thin knife with a double cutting edge. He said:

It could have been a nail file or a small Commando type knife.

The police said that they were making enquiries but that nothing had come to light so far that would be helpful. However, they said that they were certain that someone could give them information if they wished, saying:

Someone obviously knows who the mother of this baby is.

The body of another female child was found in the canal at Hill Top in West Bromwich the previous year on 10 April 1961, although its cause of death was given as being due to asphyxia at birth.

*map pointers are rough estimates based on known location details as per Place field above.

see www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk

see Birmingham Daily Post - Friday 07 September 1962