Age: 3 days old
Sex: male
Date: 28 Dec 1938
Place: Presbyterian Church, Torr Lane, Compton Gifford, Plymouth
The body of a newly-born child was found on the waste land behind the Presbyterian Church in Torr Lane, Compton Gifford.
At the inquest, the Coroner said that the child had bruising around its eyes, nose and mouth, but said that there was no evidence of finger or nail marks on its body.
He said that the child had received no nourishment after birth and had been smothered shortly after.
He said that it appeared that the child had been squeezed into the cardboard box that it was found in whilst it was still warm and before its cooling of its body had taken place.
A verdict of murder by some person or persons unknown was returned.
see Exeter and Plymouth Gazette - Friday 03 February 1939, p13