Age: 0
Sex: male
Date: 11 Sep 1946
Place: Elm Park Gardens, Fulham Road, London
The body of a newly born male child was found with its throat cut in Elm Park Gardens, Fulham Road on 11 September 1946.
The body had been wrapped up in newspaper and left on the pavement.
The doctor that carried out the child’s post-mortem said that the child had two wounds on the left side of its throat, one of which was a deep incision. He said that the character of the wounds showed that there had been a deliberate cutting of the throat.
He said that he thought that the child had live for a few minutes and concluded that its death was due to haemorrhage caused by the incised throat wounds.
The police said that they had been unable to trace anyone who might be responsible for the child's death.
A verdict of murder against some person or persons unknown was returned.
see West London Observer - Friday 04 October 1946